Windeater Acres
Windeater Acres is a small farm located in central Oklahoma. Along with raising two kids, we have ducks, sheep, horses, dogs, cats, and a market garden.
We are dedicated to putting Oklahoma grown and produced food in the pantries of our fellow Oklahomans. We see our activities in this area falling into three categories: adding to the farm fresh Oklahoma food supply, increasing access to this food, and raising awareness of the availability of Oklahoma grown and produced food. To accomplish these activities we:
add to the Oklahoma food supply by raising heritage ducks and turkeys for egg and meat production, and growing heirloom vegetables for our family and for sale increase access by selling our farm fresh Oklahoma-grown products direct to consumers through this website and through the Oklahoma Food Cooperative raise awareness by offering Oklahoma family farms and “local foods” organizations web and electronic publishing design services at a reasonable cost.For more information on the our products please visit our farm notebook at windeateracres.farmnotebook.com
For more information on our farm and family, please visit our website at windeater.net
Thank you for your interest in the farm-fresh Oklahoma grown and produced products of Windeater Acres, and for supporting Oklahoma’s family farms and local foods producers.
Deb Willis, Head Critter Wrangler
Lydia Zackery,Head of Plant Operations
Windeater Acres
Jones, OK