
Snider Farms Peanut Barn


Fresh-made Peanut Butter, Flavored peanuts (nine flavors), Salted Runner & Spanish peanuts

Jamie comes from a long line of farmers and at least 4 generations have farmed peanuts. The year 2001 brought us from Texas to Oklahoma to continue farming. In 2006 we started Snider Farms Peanut Barn and began to flavor and sell peanuts to the public. It certainly has been a learning experience!

Jamie and I have 5 children, 4 boys and 1 girl. They have always been a big part of our farming operation and also help in the Peanut Barn, so we truly have a “family business”. The two oldest are pursuing careers in ag-related fields but still come help when we need it.

In case you are not familiar with Hollis, it is in the very southwest corner of Oklahoma, only about 5 miles from Texas. We buy our peanuts from the company we used to sell ours to, which buys from both Oklahoma and Texas farmers. We buy raw peanuts and then cook and flavor them ourselves. Our peanut butter is made from peanuts we cook and then grind, so it is always fresh-made. It is important to us that our peanuts are fresh because there is nothing worse that a stale peanut!

We oil-roast (with peanut oil, of course) the shelled peanuts, then flavor and package them. We have nine different flavors. The flavors are Ranch, Sour Cream & Onion, Honey Sweet, Cajun, Barbecue, Jalapeno, Nacho Cheese, Cheddar Cheese, and Hot & Cheesy. Our Honey Sweet peanuts are cooked in a different machine that continually stirs them until they are covered with a sweet coating. The peanut butter is ground after we roast the peanuts.

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